Australia2016. 9. 15. 09:32

어느덧 시간이 흘러 최소 체류기간을 채웠다.

막상 신청자격이 되니 귀차니즘이 솟구치면서 만사가 귀찮다.

더욱이 이 준비서류들을 보니 신청할 마음이 싹 사라졌다.

일단, 구비서류 목록

There are three types of documents that you need for your citizenship application:

  • identity documents
  • character documents
  • supporting documents.

Identity documents

You must provide the following identity documents:

  • Three documents that all together show your:
    • photograph and signature
    • current residential address
    • birth name, date of birth and gender.
  • If you have changed your name, provide evidence of this including links between names.
  • The Identity declaration completed by a person with the relevant authority and accompanied by an endorsed photograph signed by the same person. If you are applying on a paper application, this is contained in the form.  If you are applying online, a Form 1195 – Identity Declaration (232KB PDF) is required for yourself and each person included in your application form.

Examples of identity documents are available.

Good character documents

You need to provide a penal clearance certificate if, in the time since you were granted a permanent Australian visa:

  • you lived or travelled outside Australia since the age of 18 years
  • the total time spent overseas adds up to 12 months or more.

Provide a penal clearance certificate from every country in which you spent more than 90 days.

We might also ask you to provide a penal clearance certificate in other circumstances.

If you need a penal clearance from Australia, we will arrange it on your behalf. You do not need to pay an additional fee.

Supporting documents

Depending on your application, you might also need to supply:

  • evidence for exemptions, discretions and concessions
  • evidence of the special residence requirement
  • evidence of residence – New Zealand and British migrants
  • documents related to children included in the application.

For a list of supporting documents you will need to provide, see Supporting documents for Australian citizenship applications.

이렇단다. 제일 문제되는건 범죄사실 기록 어쩌구인데, 한국에 있는 경찰서든 영사관을 직접 가서 신청해야 받을 수 있다.

이 서류 신청하자고 휴가 내고, 비행기 타고 .. 별로 가고 싶지 않은 도시라서 뷁

귀찮다. 그냥 이대로 살란다

'Australia' 카테고리의 다른 글

2014 호주 예산안 발표  (0) 2014.05.15
Posted by yuwol